The English edition of Bravida's Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 is published
Bravida Holding AB’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 is now published in English and is available at the corporate website.
Regulatory press release

“2023 was an exciting and challenging year for Bravida. Despite it being a difficult market, we are relatively stable. We are an enabler regarding the climate transition and ensure that what needs to work works, regardless of the economic cycle and global situation”, comments Mattias Johansson, CEO and Group President, Bravida.
Read more in the English edition of Bravida's Annual and Sustainability Report 2023, which can be found via the following link:
Bravida has decided not to distribute the Annual and Sustainability Report in print, it will instead be available digitally. For shareholders and other stakeholders who are unable to access the annual report digitally, a printed Annual and Sustainability Report can be ordered by contacting Bravida via e-mail at:
For further information, please contact:
Peter Norström, Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +46 8 695 20 07
This information is information that Bravida Holding AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 17:00 CET on 16 April, 2024.