We makes sure that what needs to work, works

Some things in life we just expect to work. You expect the light to turn on when you press the switch, for water to flow from the tap and to be able to trust the security systems in a building. 

Bravida is one of the Nordic region’s leading provider of end-to-end solutions for electrical systems, heating, plumbing, ventilation and other technical functions in buildings and facilities.

We offer energy-efficient solutions with a focus on the big picture. Our regular maintenance ensures that all systems work smoothly at all times, every day of the year.

Our complete offering


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Technical partner for buildings and facilities

We work closely with our customers and take responsibility for service and installations throughout the entire lifecycle, from design and installation to maintenance and renovation. From start to finish and into the future.

What can we do for you today? Contact us to discuss all of your needs and requirement.


Concerning The Economic Crime Authority decision to press charges

Bravida welcome that the investigation from The Economic Crime Authority now is ready. Bravida has been co-operating fully with the police and prosecutor during the investigation.

Change in the number of shares and votes in Bravida Holding AB

Bravida Holding AB (BRAV), today announced a change in the number of shares and votes after issuing 820,000 shares of class C. 

Issue and repurchase of class C shares under incentive program

The board of directors of Bravida Holding AB (“Bravida”), (Nasdaq Stockholm: BRAV), has today resolved to issue and immediately thereafter repurchase 820,000 class C shares. 

Bravida Finland expands its heating and plumbing installation business in southern Finland

Bravida Finland acquires the company Dimesko Oy, thereby strengthening its position in heating and plumbing in southern Finland. The company has sales of approximately EUR 10.3 million and employs aro...