Heating and plumbing – smart solutions for uninterrupted servicing

How much water and energy are wasted each year? Every day we encounter dripping taps, inefficient heating systems, uninsulated hot water pipes and old systems that waste energy. Bravida believes this is completely unnecessary.

Optimise heating and plumbing with appropriate heating systems

As much as we need functional heating and plumbing, we also need to think about resource consumption. That's why it's important to have a heating system that lasts for many years. From advanced temperature controls to dripping taps, everything contributes to the whole. In short, it's energy that goes up in smoke and doesn't benefit anyone. You can change that with Bravida.

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This is what we offer in heating and plumbing services

An accident rarely comes alone. Cross off another item on your to-do list and get regular plumbing service from us at Bravida to document, optimise and prevent problems. You won't have to worry about unexpected expenses and can keep water and energy consumption down. Bravida offers all types of heating and plumbing services and helps with repairs if necessary.

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This is what we offer in heating and plumbing installations

Heating and plumbing is one of the cornerstones of any property's infrastructure and sooner or later it will need to be replaced or designed in connection with new construction. Turn to our skilled plumbers when you want help and experience in everything from design to installation. Take control of your energy consumption with high-quality service, whether it's a small issue or a comprehensive solution.

Do you have problems with heating and plumbing?

Bravida helps with all types of heating and plumbing installations and also provides heating and plumbing services, as well as adjustment of heating systems. The projects are large and small. It may involve a smaller heating and plumbing installation in homes, for example, or more extensive installations in industries or hospitals. Many people who turn to us today also want to review their old heating systems and make an adjustment. This can make a big difference and significantly reduce resource consumption.


We can assist you with:

  • Heating/cooling
  • Adjustment of heating systems
  • Tap water
  • Mechanical rooms
  • Gas
  • Precision welding
  • Energy optimisation
  • Process piping
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Heating and plumbing installations to count on

Take the next step with modern solutions for your heating and plumbing installations. It is measurement and control that makes heating systems smart. Behind the new technology are traditional pumps, tanks and pipes. We help to reduce water and energy use. Even replacing your old fixtures with more energy-efficient equipment. The heat from the air outside the building can be conveniently reused. We have the necessary equipment and advanced measurement tools to find suitable areas of improvement.

Is the heating system working seamlessly?

A cosy, heated building creates a good working environment for staff. Energy-efficient and climate-conscious solutions use resources more sustainably. One of the most common heating systems in Sweden is district heating, which is approved at EU level. It is based on the use of thermal energy generated in power plants. We can assist you with adjusting heating systems and reviewing all heat exchangers.

Reduce energy consumption with our services

Regular maintenance can reduce the risk of unpleasant surprises and helps to keep water and energy consumption down. Bravida offers all types of maintenance services and helps with a wide range of repairs. We get to know your business and rely on thorough documentation to make the right decisions. Bravida also works with sub-centres for heating and cooling systems and adjustment of heating systems. We can assist you whether the heat source is district heating, geothermal heating or fossil fuels. We also have extensive experience in gas work.

Get timely access to skilled staff

Are you about to install or need heating and plumbing services? Don't hesitate to contact us at Bravida, we have a wide range of expertise under one roof. In emergency situations, we are also ready to send out our experienced technicians to find a solution to your problem.