Our values

Our values are the foundation of everything we do and stand for as an organisation. They define the way we work, our ambitions and our commitment to our customers, employees and society as a whole.

Care for business​

  • We are passionate about our business and are cost conscious.
  • We constantly aim to enhance customer value and identify new business opportunities.


Keep it simple​

  • We are service minded and easy to work with.​
  • We apply group-wide working methods.​
  • We work together to deliver effective end-to-end solutions for customers


Take responsibility​

  • We are reliable, and we keep our promises.​
  • We never put safety at risk in the workplace.​
  • We take responsibility for the environment, customer relations, society and people.


Be proactive​

  • We actively seek out customers, listen attentively and propose solutions.​
  • We think about the future to generate opportunities and avoid risks.​
  • We aim to constantly develop and we stay one step ahead.

Code of Conduct

The foundation of Bravida’s ethical values is provided by our Code of Conduct. It forms the basis for our day-to-day behaviour and covers important issues such as gender equality and diversity, human rights, working conditions, the environment, sustainability, leadership and business ethics.

Bravida's code of conduct (pdf) 

Are we not living as we preach?

In Bravida, we should live as we preach and follow our code of conduct and values. If you notice that we do not follow our values, you can report it using the whistleblower function.

Read more about whistleblowing