Energy Management – the basis for the good running of properties

By optimising energy usage, big gains can be made, for companies as a whole and also in terms of costs and the environment. Energy Management means taking a holistic approach to energy usage in your properties. Based on analysis, constant monitoring and concrete measures, we can optimise the energy use in your business.

Whether you want to meet environmental targets, cut costs or just keep your business running smoothly, energy management is the first area over which you should take control.

Energy guzzlers can be found in various locations within your properties

In terms of energy, an energy-efficient property is also a more profitable property. By identifying the energy guzzlers in your properties, you reduce costs and do the environment a favour. We assist you through the whole process, from analysis to planning and action. 

Five effects of choosing Bravida Energy Management

Bravida is the only market participant that is skilled in the entire chain from analysis to implementation and monitoring.

By utilising our services, you get:

  • Increased real estate value
  • Quick results regarding reduced energy usage
  • Better control and management of your properties’ energy use
  • Effective achievement of sustainability goals
  • Reporting and documenting of all elements of the project

We ensure targets are met and the law is respected

The true value of a plan or strategy is evident only when it is put into action. Regardless of project duration or property location, we always ensure to meet the objectives. However, without proper follow-up, it becomes challenging to measure and prove the impact. This is why we consistently establish a reporting basis to meet all new energy efficiency requirements outlined by law.

If you give us an hour, we give you kilowatt hours back

Clear results are a common aspect in all our projects. If you cannot get a positive return on your investment, we have failed. In the vast majority of cases, we can therefore guarantee a result before we start our projects. Often, many kilowatt hours are saved.

Want to know more?

Please contact:

Krister Lohman, Head of Sales Energy Management
E-mail: or fill in the form below.

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