Electricity – smarter solutions for greater reliability

For your business to run smoothly, it is important that the electricity supply works. Ideally, you want to avoid sudden outages and accidents such as fire or flooding. If you need to inspect the electrical system in your property, our authorised electricians are nearby. Contact Bravida today!

Servicetekniker hos Bravida

This is what we offer in electrical services

Regular servicing of electrical installations can help you avoid interruptions and other unpleasant surprises. Bravida reviews switchboards, load distribution, sockets and cabling, and the property's electrical standards. We review energy use and suggest savings, whether it's for industrial premises or offices.

Elinstallation av Bravida

Energy-efficient installations

Electrical installations are carried out by a qualified electrician, who can handle high voltage and has experience in optimising the work in the best possible way. There are many possibilities when it comes to automation and lighting in offices and buildings. Lighting that is switched on and off reduces energy costs and also provides comfort and security for staff in the premises.

Broad expertise is our strength

At Bravida, we are experts in electrical installations and maintenance work and have a wide range of experience, both theoretical and practical. Our qualified electricians can be called out at short notice to check and optimise processes to keep costs down.


Our electricians will help you with:


  • Electrical installations
  • Electrical services
  • High voltage
  • Switchgear/standby power
  • Thermography
  • Alarm and security systems
  • Industrial installations
  • Control and monitoring
  • Energy optimisation
  • Sustainable and energy efficient electricity supply.
With an on-call contract, we can provide assistance every day of the year, 24/7.

Our qualified industrial electricians put safety first

It is important that the processes in a large organisation function optimally. Handling high voltage is risky, so it is important that any faults are dealt with by a competent professional. Our skilled industrial electricians troubleshoot installations and suggest improvements and savings.


  • Get a complete overhaul or replace old cables and boxes. 
  • Fix emergency problems in case of fire or flooding.


To minimise costs, specific actions are important. For example, the timely replacement of certain components.

Bravida jobbar med fastighetsinstallationer och fastighetsservice

Round-the-clock security with an on-call contract

If you have an ongoing need for on-call services, it is possible to sign a long-term agreement with us. Would you like to know more about how an on-call agreement can help you secure your business?

Contact your nearest local Bravida office for more information!