Bravida's Business Plan 2018-2020

Here you find materials about Bravida's Business Plan 2018-2020. The materials may only be used for internal purposes.


Power Points


Svensk Svensk Webcast 1 (18.03.09)
Norsk Norsk Webcast 2 (18.03.22)
Dansk Dansk  Webcast 3 (18.09.07)
Finnish Finnish 

Webcast 4 (19.03.29)


To sign in to webcast:

User: any bravida e-mail

Password: bravida


Turn on subtitles using the cc button in lower right corner.

Videos with Management

Tore Bakke (NO)

Johnny Hey (DK)

Thommy Lundmark. (Nord)

Ingegerd Engquist (HR)


How to use the materials

Please use the materials to learn more about Bravida's Business Plan and to introduce your employees to the plan. The materials are for internal use and may not be distributed externally.

Printed versions of the brochure Bravida's Business Plan 2018-2020 are distributed to all divisions.

Sweden:  To order more Business Plan brochures please send an e-mail to:

Denmark:  To order more Business Plan brochures please send an e-mail to:

Please contact Bravida's corporate communiations department if you have any questions or comments related to the materials.