Every year, around 6000 people are injured in workplace accidents in Sweden.* Bravida is no exception. Today is the first day of Bravida’s annual Safety Week. This year's theme is risk assessment – an important area of improvement for the entire industry.
Press release
Bravida’s vision is to completely eliminate occupational injuries. This is why there are systematic health and safety measures in place. Still, many employees are injured each year. The most common injuries are cuts, falls and electric shocks. But in fact, many injuries can be avoided.
– We work with many different companies within the construction industry, and the workplaces differ a lot. That’s why it’s so important for our employees to focus on safety wherever they are, says Mattias Johansson, CEO of Bravida.
Bravida’s goal is to considerably reduce the number of occupational injuries. A step on the way is Bravida’s annual Safety Week, which is now conducted for the second time in a row. This year’s theme is risk assessment.
– One of the most common reasons for accidents is that things proceed too fast. Or that an employee thinks ‘I'll just do this small thing...’. But this is not acceptable. We should never be sloppy with safety just to move things along quickly, or out of habit, says Mattias Johansson.
– The industry has to improve significantly in the area of risk assessments. All leaders have a great responsibility in this. If each installer or service technician is allowed the time necessary to apply the routines and the self-checking programs available, many injuries can be avoided.
Bravida’s Safety Week takes place the 10-14 September 2018.
Bravida is an active member of Håll Nollan, an initiative from the organisation ‘Samverkan för noll olyckor i byggbranschen’, which aims to create conditions to eliminate accidents in construction work environments.
For further information, please contact:
Cecilia Bergner, press contact, Bravida. +46 76-20 31 864
*Source: www.hallnollan.se