Bravida Sweden installs for SEK 67 million in Kristianstad’s new swimming pool complex
Kristianstad Municipality is building a new public swimming pool complex with Peab as the main contractor. Bravida has been commissioned to perform all installations within electricity, heating and plumbing, at an order value of SEK 67 million.
Press release

Kristianstad will get a new indoor swimming pool complex. It will replace the Tivoli Bath, which was inaugurated already in 1957 and is now obsolete. An indoor swimming pool is a very sensitive environment and a challenging building project, especially on the installation side. This construction is a turnkey contract and Peab, which is the main contractor, has chosen to let Bravida make all installations within electricity, heating and plumbing in the project.
– We got the question from Peab at an early stage, they wanted us already in the design phase. This is a great advantage as it is a complex project: careful planning and close cooperation are crucial to make everything fit in a good way. It feels great to work with Peab, we have worked together before and it has worked well, says Friedrich Eberhardt, Branch Manager, Bravida Kristianstad.
The order value is SEK 67 million. The planning has already started and the swimming pool complex is expected to be finished by 2022. About 25 employees from Bravida will be involved in the project.
For further information, please contact:
Liselotte Stray, Communications and Press contact, Bravida Sweden