Meet Rebecca Sundberg, former trainee in Bravida's Nordic Trainee Program

Rebecca Sundberg works as a business development/KMA engineer at Bravida and has completed Bravida's internal Nordic Trainee Program, a development program for early-career employees. The programme lasts for a year and provides a great platform for further professional growth within Bravida.

 Rebecca Sundberg, Bravida

Hi Rebecca, how has your journey at Bravida been so far?
"I started in September 2021 as a KMA/contract engineer in the ventilation department in Södertälje. Within a year, I was able to develop that role into a business developer/KMA engineer for Region VVS Stockholm."

What has been most valuable to you during your year on Bravida's trainee program?
"There have been many rewarding meetings, but above all I think that the new network of contacts you have created has been very valuable. During the various training sessions we attended, we also gained greater knowledge of sales techniques, leadership, negotiation techniques and the Bravida Way, among other things. This is something that I have been able to implement in my daily work, and I also see it as an advantage if I take on a larger leadership role in the future.

"During the program, we worked on a group project where we had to generate an idea for Bravida to implement in its future systems. This project was quite extensive and a valuable learning experience for me. It was wonderful to have the chance to participate and potentially make a contribution to the advancement of Bravida's sustainability efforts, especially considering I'm new to the company."

What does a typical workday look like for you?
"No two days are really the same. One day, I'm at Slussen dealing with KMA issues and ensuring that we comply with the requirements placed on us, meet our environmental targets, and deliver our work to the right quality. On another day, for example, I'm involved in running a pilot of one of our new digital initiatives. It's a varied job, but a lot of the focus is currently on business development for Region VVS Stockholm."

How do you see your future in Bravida?
"I plan to stay at Bravida for several years. I see ongoing opportunities for growth and to take on different roles within the company. The only limit to how far I can go is myself. I am recognized for my work and have the chance to participate in various projects, both in production and internal initiatives that Bravida has invested in to develop as a company."