One hundred years of pride

A lot has happened during our 100-year historical journey, which begins in 1922 when the construction unions form FBA – Företaget Fackföreningarnas Byggproduktion AB, to the point that in 2022 we install energy-efficient solutions in the Nordic region's tallest building, Karlatornet in Gothenburg. We are now one of the Nordic region's leading service and installation company. And we did it together, as we always do.

A Nordic celebration of the anniversary

Bravida's 100th anniversary was celebrated with various activities together with all our employees throughout the Nordics, and our entire success story was shown in a film. In our anniversary magazine, we summarized our proudest moments, our most difficult experiences and important lessons we have learned. If you want to find out more about Bravida's history, please watch the film and read more in the magazine!

Now we are running towards the future! Join us on our journey for another 100 years!

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From twelve building guilds to Nasdaq

Bravida has its origins in BPA, a Swedish construction and installation company that laid the foundation for Bravida in 1922.  In 2015, Bravida was listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. Watch the video that shows our fantastic journey over 100 years. 

Read more about all milestones from 1922 to 2022


Bravida's 100 years

In our anniversary magazine, you can take part in retrospectives on Bravida's historical events, interviews with employees, pictures and lots of other exciting content.

Download the anniversary magazine

Concerning The Economic Crime Authority decision to press charges

Bravida welcome that the investigation from The Economic Crime Authority now is ready. Bravida has been co-operating fully with the police and prosecutor during the investigation.

Change in the number of shares and votes in Bravida Holding AB

Bravida Holding AB (BRAV), today announced a change in the number of shares and votes after issuing 820,000 shares of class C. 

Issue and repurchase of class C shares under incentive program

The board of directors of Bravida Holding AB (“Bravida”), (Nasdaq Stockholm: BRAV), has today resolved to issue and immediately thereafter repurchase 820,000 class C shares. 

Bravida Finland expands its heating and plumbing installation business in southern Finland

Bravida Finland acquires the company Dimesko Oy, thereby strengthening its position in heating and plumbing in southern Finland. The company has sales of approximately EUR 10.3 million and employs aro...