Whistle blower

At Bravida, it's important for us to uphold our code of conduct and values. We therefore encourage our employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders to report misconducts that deviate from the law and shortcomings in relation to our values ​​and code of conduct. A whistleblower is someone who brings attention to any misconduct within our organisation.

How to blow the whistle?

As a Bravida employee, we would like to encourage you to raise any questions or concerns with your manager, their manager, someone in HR, or Bravida's General Counsel. If you believe that Bravida is not complying with our values or the law, use our whistleblowing function provided by an external partner to report it. This is applicable even if you are not an employee but have contact with Bravida.

File a report

If you need to file a report, please use our whistleblowing portal provided by an external partner for reports of an concern or incident. When reporting, please note that you can choose langue settings in the upper right corner to your preferred language.The function is encrypted and password protected. You never have to provide your identity if you don't want to. A report related to legal violations, Bravida's code of conduct or supplier code of conduct is reported to Bravida's general counsel via this channel.

File a report here

Other questions

Please note that general business enquiries, customer complaints or other inquiries are referred to our general contact channels here.

Bravida's whistle-blowing policy.

For information on the processing of personal data, see our Privacy Policy.