Invoicing addresses
Bravida only accepts electronic invoices. Please note that PDF does not count as an electronic invoice. In order for you to be paid on time, all invoices must meet Bravida's requirements. In order for us to handle your invoice, a work order number (AO) must always be specified with 11 characters. Supplier invoices from Bravida's major material suppliers will also continue to be administered electronically via Bravida's purchasing system (Profit).
Address register e-invoice
Bravida Sverige AB
(inclusive. Bravida Sverige Div. Nord, Syd, Stockholm & Riks)
Org.nbr: 556197-4188
GLN: 7365561974188
Peppol-ID: 0007:5561974188
Operator: InExchange
Bravida Holding AB
Org.nbr: 556891-5390
GLN: 7365568915399
Peppol-ID: 0007:5568915390
Operator: InExchange
Bravida AB
Org.nbr: 556713-6519
GLN: 7365567136511
Peppol-ID: 0007:5567136519
Operator: InExchange
Bravida Prenad AB
Org.nbr: 556454-1315
GLN: 7365564541318
Peppol-ID: 0007:5564541315
Operator: InExchange
Bravida Säkerhet AB
Org.nbr: 556193-1832
GLN: 7365561931839
Peppol-ID: 0007:5561931832
Operator: InExchange
Bravida Engineering Design AB
Org.nbr: 559505-2563
GLN: 7365595052562
Peppol-ID: 0007:5595052563
Operatör: InExchange
SystemHouse Solutions AB
Org.nbr: 559203-8904
GLN: 7365592038903
Peppol-ID: 0007:5592038904
Operator: InExchange
ABEKA El & Kraftanläggningar AB
Org.nbr: 556515-7012
GLN: 7365565157013
Peppol-ID: 0007:5565157012
Operator: InExchange
Please note, that Bravida only accept PDF invoices in exceptional cases.
If you have any questions, please contact the supplier group on
+46 (0) 8-695 20 30 or via e-mail to: