Safety first. Always.

At Bravida, we want every employee to arrive at the next workday feeling healthy and well. We want it to be fun and safe to work at Bravida. That's why we work systematically with health and safety.

Bravida has a zero vision for occupational injuries

In our industry, health and safety is an issue that we need to take very seriously. To meet the challenges, we have resources, systems and tools for health promotion and injury prevention.


Bravida has a zero vision for occupational injuries: no employee should suffer physical or mental ill health as a result of their work. We who work for Bravida have a shared responsibility to contribute to a pleasant and safe working environment at all Bravida's workplaces.

Två tekniker från Bravida utför installationer

Achieving this requires

Två av Bravidas projektledare vid datorskärmar


We value health and safety skills and train our managers and employees.


It is important to us that you have a good work-life balance.


We promote inclusion in planning and feedback at work. Employees are also involved in health and safety work through our app for reporting risks and suggestions for improvement.

Bravidas tekniker under en genomgång på en arbetsplats

Safety representative

At Bravida, we value our safety representatives highly and make sure they get the support they need. Cooperation between safety representatives and with the company is important to create the best possible working environment