Purchasing and suppliers at Bravida
Our sector has a wide range of suppliers, materials and components. There’s a lot to be gained through smart purchasing. That’s why we have a cohesive purchasing process and a group-wide purchasing system.
Bravida’s central Nordic purchasing department plays a key role in our purchasing process. It negotiates with our suppliers and signs framework agreements in the areas of electrical, heating and plumbing and ventilation/cooling, as well as indirect supplies such as vehicles.
For service suppliers, we work both centrally and locally, depending of the type of service needed. Procurement of subcontractors usually takes place at local level.
Purchasing of materials
In cooperation with its operating business, Bravida’s purchasing department has developed a standardised range of suppliers and products used by all our branches, known as the Bravida range.
The key criteria applied to this range are:
- Functionality – The product’s technical function needs to meet requirements.
- Quality assurance – This includes warranties, the risk of product deviations, how product quality can be assured at customers and the level of service from suppliers.
- The environment - Low environmental impact is prioritised and installation of the product must allow for a healthy work environment.
- Price and installation – The price of the product and the cost of installation.