An energy-efficient campus for Siuntio municipality
Siuntio city centre’s civil training campus shows how you can collect the various departments of a municipality under one roof – yet still pay homage to energy efficiency. Bravida was awarded the electrical contract for the new building.
The civil training campus is the largest investment the municipality has ever undertaken. The campus, which was finished in the summer of 2022 and opened in stages, houses a bilingual Finnish-/Swedish-language school, a library, youth programmes and a family centre, which combines counselling and social work with student welfare services. The building has two floors, and the premises were designed to be readily adaptable to serve a number of different use cases.
A project with a tight schedule
Construction of the campus began in June 2020. Over 20 contractors worked on the new 8,100 square-metre property. They all strove towards the same goal: the urgently-needed new campus had to be ready and safe to occupy in time for the start of the school year in August 2022.
Siuntio municipality has made a commitment to not only streamline its energy consumption, but also to invest in more energy-efficient properties. The civil training campus is a perfect example of this. The property is heated with geothermal energy and gets around 30 per cent of its electricity from solar panels. The municipality expects contractors to comply with the energy-efficiency requirements whilst possessing sufficient expertise in the field to enable the objectives to be met.
A one-stop shop for electrical work
Bravida was tasked with carrying out the electrical work on the campus. The contract included all electrical work: illumination and lighting control, safety lights, intercom-, speaker-, fire alarm- and signalling systems, induction coil reinforcement, outdoor lighting, e-bike/motorcycle charging stations and trunk lines for car charging stations. In addition, Bravida installed 23 composite hybrid poles in the car park for vehicle heating and charging.
The company also supplied the campus with energy-efficient, sustainable LED lighting. The lighting control system was designed to automatically adjust the lumens in response to the specific type of usage and amount of natural sunlight.
The end result was a safe, environmentally sound property
Bravida successfully completed the contracted work on time and agreed to assume continued responsibility for maintenance of the fire alarm and speaker systems for two years after the completion date.
Despite the fact that so many contractors were present at the same time on the construction site, the collaboration went smoothly and professionally. The mutual trust between Bravida and the general contractor over the course of the long-term partnership yielded positive results.
– From the perspective of the general contractor, the electrical contract was managed quite well. We set up a well thought-out work regimen where we were able to be proactive so that work was constantly going on. All the contractors had a positive, constructive attitude on the construction site. That’s a pre-requisite in order to achieve a good end result, maintains Veli-Pekka Heinäaho, Construction Manager for SRV, the general contractor.
The campus’s visitors enjoy a safe, environmentally sound new facility – exactly as called for in the original plan.
– We’ve received positive feedback from our end users, concludes Mr Heinäaho.
FACTS / Electrical contract
Customer: SRV Rakennus Oy
Facility: Siuntio city centre civil training campus (“Sivistyskampus Siuntion sydän”)
-Turnkey electrical work
-Illumination and lighting control, including outdoor lighting
-Systems for fire alarms, safety lights, signalling and speakers
-Intercoms and induction coil reinforcement
-Composite hybrid poles for vehicle heating and charging, e-bike/motorcycle charging stations, trunk lines for car charging stations
Contractual term: June 2021–June 2022